I'm no stranger to undocumented bugs and differences in the HTML5 builder for GMS2, but usually am able to work around them. Today's though, is either so simple that I just can't see it, or so deep that there's no way I would try to fix. 

game_reset() should, well, reset the game. Yes, some things persist, and those can be managed without problem. However, we were seeing that on resetting the game (Play Again) none of the GUI objects would draw, and actually an assortment of objects, not on the GUI layer) would not draw either. BUT the handlers for clicking on these  objects, which were directly tied to the objects, still worked if I just clicked where I knew they should be. I assume this means that the objects are indeed being created. In the HTML5 debugger, which leaves a lot to be desired, NO instances were showing after reset, even the ones I could see on the screen. Assuming that this is a debugger bug, I switched to building for windows to use the better debugger, hit Play Again and...everything is fine. 

So there must be some fundamental difference in how things are reinitialized in game_reset() between HTML5 and other platforms. 
Has anyone else noticed this?

Files Play in browser
Oct 31, 2023

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